martes, febrero 14, 2006

Faith and breakfast:

You might be one of those who has always seen 'faith' as a lifestyle option, or as something that helps weak human beings soften the harder edges of life. It's much easier to say to a crying child that their bunny rabbit has 'gone to heaven' than to say that worms are eating it. Perhaps you are like some of my friends, who say, 'I think it must be really good to have something to believe in'. It doesn't really matter what, because faith doesn't have much to do with reality anyway. You may perceive a division between those who have 'a faith', and those who have sanity.

Actually though, I would argue that you already have faith. You already believe in something. You see, the preachers tell us that faith is a lot like trust. I believe that the faith that the bible talks about means believing something and acting upon it. You exercise this kind of faith every day. Who, after all, feeds a little of their breakfast to their dog before eating it, just to make sure that it is safe? Who examines their car brakes every day before they drive to work? Most of us in the developed world don't even think twice about drinking the water that comes from our taps. I'm living in Venezuela, and here it's different. There's a lot more. I'm not being paranoid - I'm just trying to demonstrate that faith is not something mystical and inaccessible. We all have faith and we all exercise it. The issue isn't whether or not you believe, it's what you believe.

Perhaps I am being pedantic. Even Jesus talked about having faith. He talked about 'great' faith and 'little' faith, as though you could measure it. What he was referring to, I think, was faith in God. Every person must choose the extent to which they trust in Him. That includes you. I believe in Jesus Christ; not because doing so makes me feel warm and fuzzy, but because I can't see a better explanation for the reality in which I find myself. There is not enough space here to explore this, but I don't see my faith as illogical or optional. Quite the opposite. As C.S. Lewis said,

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen; not only because
I see it, but because by it I see everything else.



At 8:05 p. m., Blogger Debs said...

Hey Pete,
I discoverd your blog entirely by chance, but it made interesting reading. I'm a Christian and also fairly new at blogging, and thought I'd take the opportunity to encourage you to keep on blogging :-) I've been blogging about my life, just the general da today stuff, but I've been challenging myself to try to blog more about what I actually believe. It's all very well talkng about going to the dentist, or buying a car (see my blog for more of that!) but it's not really what I am, what I believe. I think I need to blog more of what's really important to me - that Jecuse Christ died for me, and that because of him I am dead to sin and alive in Him. That's really what my life is about! In fact, my life has no meaning without God.
I'm looking forward to seeing what else you put on your blog, and you're welcome to visit mine and see how I get on. :-)

At 8:40 p. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...


I just want to say thankyou for deciding to do this blog. I must admit that i am of the same mind as you and thought blogging was for 'losers' as well (in the kindest possible sense :s).

Im a christian, and i must admit that wen trying 2 be a witness and challenge to my non christian friends, i struggle wit the issue of faith, and how best 2 tackle it in a way they will get and be challenged. But you have managed 2 sum it up on your page....

I hope a lot of people get to read ur page, but even if only one life is challenged and changed, it is worth it : )

Carry on 'blogging', i look forward to your next entry....

At 5:22 a. m., Blogger Jakes said...

Hey Petey

Good stuff

Yeah, its good.


At 1:07 p. m., Blogger Debs said...

When are you going to blog more? Also, I was wondering why in your profile you've put your astrological sign and zodiac year? I personally chose not to fill in those bits of my profile because I don't believe in them.
I know that some people feel that things like that do accuratly predict or affect their own lives, and I'm not denying that this may be the case, what I'm saying is that the devil uses such elements of truth in his lies.
If someone asks me if I would like my 'stars' read to me, I take it as an opportunity to tell them what I believe and why I am not interested.
Sorry, I hope that this is helpful rather than critical. I have been checking back to your blog on a regular basis, so I'm looking forward to reading more of it.

At 7:21 p. m., Blogger Pete Sz said...

Debs, I didn't put my zodiac sign on my profile, I just put my date of birth and it appeared automatically. In Venezuela a lot of people do believe in that stuff, but I don't.

At 7:45 p. m., Blogger Debs said...

fair enough, thought it would probably be something like that! Have a feeling that's why Idecided not to put my DOB on mine cos i didn't want it on.

At 9:47 a. m., Blogger J.T. Noels said...

Wow man, you have just started blogging and look at all the comments that have been put on your post!
Very cool!
Hope to see you again soon man, we've missing you!... I've decided to stay on another year in Canters, believe God still wants me here. It's exciting stuff, lots going on, God is on the move!!! I'll tell you more about it...

For all of you guys who have posted, faith is not something we can explain in our own words, because we inevitably mess up and miss out on something, making it sound either too spiritual or too secular. The only way to explain it is with Hebrews 11: Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see... It goes on for a while and more into Chapter 12. Then in James 2: 14-26... Check it out! But as a great man of God told me once: "You don't explain faith to unbelievers, you preach the gospel to them!"... Sounds harsh, but it's true!

At 2:01 p. m., Blogger J.T. Noels said...

And by the way, blogging is not for losers...


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